Talaja je predložio da dam Borisu koji često radi sa Sebastijanom Čamagajevcem i vrijedan je i brz. A bogme i odličan! :) Malo sam strahovao kako će ispasti, ali kad je donio gotove table oduševio sam se. Nastavljamo dalje kao tandem. :)
"While I think your work shows promise, there are a few points that I think you need to work on before you’re ready for work here at Marvel. Here are my notes:
· Try to include more backgrounds. You were mostly okay on this, a few panels didn’t include any background detail and without them, it’s hard to establish a sense of place.
· Work on your storytelling. As you move from panel to panel it was hard to follow the action at certain points. A good test is to look at your page without script and see if it makes sense without the words. If you can get a basic idea of story without dialogue, you’re doing pretty well.
Otherwise, I thought you showed promise and hopefully these tips help you. With that in mind, would you be interested to do more samples for us?"
Za početak da samo spomenem da sam jako, jako sretan što nisu spominjali crtački stil tj. da ih isti smeta. :))) Sve u svemu mislim da ima nade!
Baš sam htio reći da ovo nisi ti tuširao, kad ono... :D
Svaka čast Borise!
Talaja je predložio da dam Borisu koji često radi sa Sebastijanom Čamagajevcem i vrijedan je i brz. A bogme i odličan! :) Malo sam strahovao kako će ispasti, ali kad je donio gotove table oduševio sam se. Nastavljamo dalje kao tandem. :)
Šta li će Dan reći na to...
Ionak ćeš se ti na kraju više nervirat oko toga nego ja.
Fak jea!
Šta, cenzurirano je nasilje nad ženama (tabla tretja)? Inače, oku su mi ugodne table :)
Mogu samo reći:
Thor je jak pun klinac!!!!!!!!
ne kaže se evala, nego hvala.
malo je glupavo ozbiljno pisati ovdje, hahaha, ali eto. Izgleda mi super.
Ovo je kao proba?
Ima li povratnih informacija?
Ma samo ignoriraj Talaju. To ga najviše boli. :D
Evo i odgovora od amera:
"While I think your work shows promise, there are a few points that I think you need to work on before you’re ready for work here at Marvel. Here are my notes:
· Try to include more backgrounds. You were mostly okay on this, a few panels didn’t include any background detail and without them, it’s hard to establish a sense of place.
· Work on your storytelling. As you move from panel to panel it was hard to follow the action at certain points. A good test is to look at your page without script and see if it makes sense without the words. If you can get a basic idea of story without dialogue, you’re doing pretty well.
Otherwise, I thought you showed promise and hopefully these tips help you. With that in mind, would you be interested to do more samples for us?"
Za početak da samo spomenem da sam jako, jako sretan što nisu spominjali crtački stil tj. da ih isti smeta. :))) Sve u svemu mislim da ima nade!
With that in mind, would you be interested to do more samples for us?"
Ovo apsolutno zvuči vrloooo obečavajuče, super stari.
Jesi in reka: vrlo rado:)
Ma bez veze; daj sad neke probe za DC!
Gud lak!
Nadam se da će se isplatiti i da te neće samo besplatno semplirati. :D
Ja imam dve reči da kažem:
crna gora!
Hvala svima na podršci!
Bobe ima li kakvog feedbacka?
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